Einladung zum ESMT Annual Forum vom 13. bis 15. Juni 2012 in Berlin

Hiermit laden wir Sie herzlich zum fünften ESMT Annual Forum vom 13. bis zum 15. Juni 2012 in Berlin ein. Zum diesjährigen Thema „Leading Across Generations“ kommen an der ESMT Meinungsführer aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik zusammen, um aktuelle gesellschafts- und wirtschaftsrelevante Themen zu diskutieren.
Im Mittelpunkt der diesjährigen Konferenz stehen die künftigen Herausforderungen und Chancen im Personalbereich angesichts des demographischen Wandels. Am 13. Juni findet abends die Verleihung des diesjährigen „ESMT Responsible Leadership Award“ an den italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Mario Monti statt.
Zu den Hauptrednern des diesjährigen Forums gehören unter anderem:
Michael Diekmann (Allianz SE), Thomas Sattelberger (Deutsche Telekom AG), Lother Lanz (Axel Springer), Alexander Landia (Bernotat & Cie.) sowie Charles O’Reilly (Stanford Graduate School of Business) und Matthew Bothner (ESMT).
Während der dreitägigen Veranstaltung diskutieren Vorstände führender globaler Unternehmen und renommierte Wissenschaftler in 18 Sessions u.a. über Fragen zu Arbeitsplatzstrukturen, Mentoring und Coaching, Bindung und Motivation sowie lebenslangem Lernen.
Die Programminformationen finden Sie online unter http://www.leadershipforumberlin.org/program.html. Bitte melden Sie sich gerne per E-Mail unter press@esmt.org für das ESMT Annual Forum an. Wir würden uns freuen, Sie zu dieser Veranstaltung an der ESMT willkommen zu heißen.
- JUNE 13-15, 2012 ⋅ BERLIN
The ESMT Responsible Leadership Award 2012 honors
Mario Monti, Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, Italy
Opening Panel June 13: The Executive Perspective on Leading Organizations with a Multigenerational Workforce
Janet Hively Co-founder, Shift | Michael W. Hodin Executive Director, Global Coalition on Aging | Lothar Lanz Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Axel Springer | Bettina Orlopp Principal, McKinsey & Company | Thomas Sattelberger Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources, Deutsche Telekom
Moderators: Jeffrey Beeson Member of the Board of Directors, International Leadership Association | Jörg Rocholl President, and Dean of Faculty, Full Professor, Ernst & Young Chair in Governance and Compliance, ESMT
Instilling Sustainability Practices in Multigenerational Leaders
Bruno Berthon Head of Sustainability Services, Accenture | Ludovica Lardera Head of Corporate Sustainability, UniCredit (invited) Hayagreeva Rao Atholl McBean Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Stanford University
Moderator: CB Bhattacharya Full Professor, E.ON Chair in Corporate Responsibility and Dean of International Relations, ESMT
GSG 9 – Leading Across Generations in a High-Performance Public-Sector Organization
Colonel Olaf Lindner Commander, GSG 9 | General (Retired) Ulrich K. Wegener Founder and first Commander, GSG 9
Moderator: Andreas Bernhardt Program Director, ESMT Customized Solutions
The 18 conference sessions will have a variety of formats such as workshops, panels or presentations. Both practitioners and academics will share their experience, thinking, and research focusing on challenges and opportunities of age diverse workforce. All sessions deal with issues faced by businesses – highlighting best practices, showing case studies of organizations
applying novel approaches, or presenting research of the key issues of multi-generational leadership.
2:30 p.m. Opening Remarks Michael Diekmann Chairman of the Board of Management, Allianz
2:45 p.m. Keynote: Diversity: Key for Sustainable Enterprises Thomas Sattelberger Member of the Board of Management for
Human Resources, Deutsche Telekom
3:15 p.m. Opening Panel: The Executive Perspective on Leading Organizations with Multigenerational Workforce
Janet Hively Co-founder, Shift I Michael W. Hodin Executive Director, Global Coalition on Aging I Lothar Lanz Chief
Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Axel Springer I Bettina Orlopp Principal, Mc Kinsey & Company
Thomas Sattelberger Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources, Deutsche Telekom
Moderators: Jeffrey Beeson Member of the Board of Directors, ILA I Jörg Rocholl President and Dean of Faculty, Full Professor, Ernst & Young Chair in Governance and Compliance, ESMT
4:15 p.m. Break
4:30 p.m. Panel: Instilling Sustainability Practices in Multigenerational Leaders Bruno Berthon Head of Sustainability Services, Accenture Corporation I Ludovica Lardera Head of Corporate Sustainability, UniCredit (invited) I Hayagreeva Rao Atholl McBean Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Stanford University
Moderator: CB Bhattacharya Full Professor, E.ON Chair in Corporate Responsibility, and Dean of International Relations, ESMT
5:45 p.m. Award Ceremony: ESMT Responsible Leadership Award
Honoree: Mario Monti Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, Italy
6:30 p.m. Reception
8:30 a.m. Keynote: Leading People in a Status-Anxious World Matthew S. Bothner Full Professor and Deutsche Telekom Chair in Leadership and HR Development, ESMT
9:45 a.m. Coffee Break
10:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions*
Mentoring & Coaching: Successful Mentoring: CEO Insights
Wulf Bernotat Mentor, Bernotat & Cie., and former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, E.ON I Carla Kriwet Mentor, Bernotat & Cie., former Chairman Marketing & Sales, Drägerwerk, and former Head of Healthcare Europe, Linde I
Alexander Landia Founding Partner & Managing Director, Bernotat & Cie. I Kai-Uwe Ricke Mentor, Bernotat & Cie., and former Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Telekom I Isabel Witte Founding Partner, Bernotat & Cie.
Lifelong Learning: Exploring Challenges of Leadership Development Across Generations Using Facilitated Action Learning
Jean-Anne Stewart Corporate MBA qualification programs, Henley Business School, UK I Lynn Thurloway Program Direc- tor for the MA in Health and Social Care, Henley Business School, UK
Retention & Motivation: Younger and Older Employees: Exploring Differences in Motivation and Organizational Commitment
Carol Sawyer Distinguished Professor, University of La Verne, USA I Sabrine El Baroudi Researcher & Consultant, University of Toronto, Canada
Workplace Structures: The Intergenerational Organization: Five Generations Creating a New Leadership Reality
Anita Fitzgerald Henck Dean, School of Education, Azusa Pacific University, USA I Andrew Henck Coordinator, Corporate Learning and Leadership Development Initiatives, be.group, USA
11:30 a.m. Lunch
12:45 p.m. Keynote: Aging Populations: The Critical Success Factor for the 21st Century Michael W. Hodin Executive Director, Global Coalition on Aging
2:00 p.m. Coffee Break
- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2012
Today’s diverse workforce requires new leadership perspectives in order to take advantage of emerging opportunities for business innovation and growth. A unique synergy between older and younger workers can be unleashed by leading effectively across generations. Both the business and the public sectors need to mobilize this potential in their workforce to
develop creative and profitable solutions for new markets in a world in transition.
Leading Across Generations will bring together a unique mix of corporate, academic, and public policy leaders. Coming from three continents, the cutting-edge presentations in this truly international program will be on intergenerational communication, skills transfer, organizational change, commitment and motivation, lifelong learning and changing workplace structures. Presenting institutions include Accenture, Axel Springer, Harvard University, Stanford University, McKinsey & Company, Moscow State University, PepsiCo Russia, and more.
- THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2012
2:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions*
Mentoring & Coaching: The Next Generation of Board Members
Sabine Dembkowski Founder and Director, The Coaching Centre, Germany
Lifelong Learning: Workplace Transitions: Leadership Development for a Maturing Workforce
Jeffrey Beeson Founder, Entheos – Leadership Consulting, Germany I Janet Hively Co-founder, Shift, USA
Retention & Motivation: Motivational Changes in East and West: Comparative Data from Russia and Germany Across the Ages
Franziska Frank Program Director, ESMT Customized Solutions, Germany I Anna Gryaznova Associate Dean for Academic Programs and International Affairs, Graduate School of Business Administration, Moscow State University, Russia
Retention & Motivation: Making It Real: Translating Values into Leadership to Energize Young and Senior Leaders
Carol Kauffman Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA I Nick Craig President, Authentic Leadership Institute (ALI), USA
Retention & Motivation: Generational Harmony – How to Get Clues on Values and Behaviors Like a Cultural Detective
Rita Booker Solymosi Booker International e.K., Germany
3:45 p.m. Coffee Break
4:15 p.m. Panel: GSG 9 – Leading Across Generations in a High-Performance Public Sector Organization
Colonel Olaf Lindner Commander, GSG 9 I General (Retired) Ulrich K. Wegener Founder and first Commander, GSG 9
Moderator: Andreas Bernhardt Program Director, ESMT Customized Solutions
8:30 a.m. Concurrent Sessions*
Mentoring & Coaching: The Leader as Mentor. The Leader as Coach. Crossing the Generational Chasm
Ines O’Donovan Director, Alamundo, the International Research Institute for Mentoring, Coaching & Leadership, and PhD Researcher, Lancaster University Management School, UK
Lifelong Learning: Promoting Active Aging in the Workplace by Tapping the Collective Wisdom of 50+ Adults
Patricia Munro Founding Member, World Cafe Europe, Germany
Retention & Motivation: Handling Difficult Questions about Leading Across Generations
Ulf Schäfer Program Director, ESMT Customized Solutions, Germany
Retention & Motivation: Harnessing the Power of Young Leaders in Organizations to Achieve Intergenerational Synergy
Fabian Morgan-French Wise Counsel & The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Retention & Motivation: Workforce Generations and Tobacco Business: Leadership and Talent Dynamics in a Controversial Industry Jozsef Blasko former senior HR executive, British American Tobacco, UK
9:45 a.m. Coffee Break
10:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions*
Mentoring & Coaching: Coaching Leaders Across Generations: Dealing with Tricky Leadership Coaching Cases
Andreas Bernhardt Program Director, ESMT Customized Solutions, Germany I Carol Kauffman Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA I Anna Urnova Vice President Human Resources, PepsiCo, Russia
Retention & Motivation: Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Teams and Peer Leaders
Ans De Vos Antwerp Management School, Belgium I John Baker Assistant Professor Leadership Studies Program, Western Kentucky University, USA
Retention & Motivation: Multigenerational Participation in Change Initiatives: Two Research Findings
Evgenia Lysova Researcher, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands I Svetlana Khapova Associate Professor of Career Studies, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands I Yulia Tolstikov-Mast Assistant Professor, Indiana Institute of Technology, USA I Shayne Heitzmann Telecommunications Professional, Indiana Institute of Technology, USA
11:30 a.m. Coffee Break
11:45 a.m. Keynote: Leading Across Generations – Are You Leveraging the Talent of ALL Your Employees?
Charles O’Reilly Frank E. Buck Professor of Management and Hank McKinnell-Pfizer Inc. Director of the Center for Leadership Development and Research, Stanford University
1:00 p.m. Farewell
*Preliminary schedule – Please check www.leadershipforumberlin.org/program.html for updates.
- FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012
ESMT Campus, Schlossplatz 1, 10178 Berlin
Fees: Business €775 ($1,050) | Academic €495 ($649)
For registering online please visit: www.leadershipforumberlin.org/registration.html
ESMT European School of Management and Technology
Schlossplatz 1
10178 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 21231-1043
Fax: +49 (0)30 21231-1069
Mobile: +49 (0)175 939 0728
e-mail: martha.ihlbrock@esmt.org