Boolean Search versus Actonomy

When searching for candidates or jobs, one option is to do a Boolean search, allowing users to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT and OR, meaning you are restricting your search.
Actonomy Search goes far beyond that kind of search, resulting in better candidates but also in a higher number of candidates that wouldn’t be found through Boolean Search.
More and better Results
As is shown in the example above (based on true results from a database with hundreds of thousands CVs): We were looking for a candidate with „security support engineer“ as job title.
A classical Boolean Search provided 0 results!
A search with Actonomy Semantic Search however provided accurate results with valuable candidates! Not all of them had the same job title, but shared the same work experience as a support engineer and dealing with security:
Hence, they are also valid as candidates for security support. These candidates would never have been found with a Boolean search and you as a recruiter would miss out on all those opportunities in the market! In this sense, Actonomy Semantic Search acts as a recruiter and thinks beyond what is just a combination of words (as is the case in job titles).
The logical result of using Actonomy Semantic Search is that you don’t miss out on candidates that really should appear on your long list. Searching with Actonomy Semantic Search allows you to find more valuable candidates much faster.
Check it out on or visit us in Cologne at the HRM Expo from 17 to 19 September. You find us in hall 2.2, stand number B.21.