Germany’s Recruiting Challenges: Kai Deininger speaks at the European Job Board Summit in London

Am 30. November findet in London der European Job Board Summit statt und Kai Deininger ist einer der internationalen Speakers. Sein Augenmerk wird dabei auf den Unterschieden im Recruiting in Deutschland und auf internationaler Ebene liegen. Im HR-Blog „Recruitment Buzz“ erschien folgendes Interview.
Recruiting in Germany – Global and Local Perspectives
An Interview with Kai Deininger: Kai Deininger is one of our International speakers at the European Job Board Summit 2012 . He has been involved with the German Recruitment Market for over 15 years, not only working at management level for Jobpilot, Monster and LinkedIn, he has also consulted to organisations such as Experteer. Kai is one of ecom digital’s partners in Germany and is supporting our clients with the often difficult task of recruiting in Germany.
At the European Job Board Summit, Kai will be speaking about the German Job Board Market and what the German jobseeker is up to today. He will deliver insights in to key differences between the German Job Board Market and the UK’s and also tackle the subject of social media and the impact it is having and how Job Boards are reacting.
Q – Kai, in one sentence, how would you describe the German Recruitment Market?
A – For anyone with an international perspective, recruiting in Germany for the first time is an experience that will not be forgotten quickly. Germany is a complex market, large and fast-moving on one hand, the revenues in a market with at present more than 1 million unfilled jobs and unemployment at historic lows for several consecutive years now underscore that. However, due to the complex regional structure of the market, the still high relevance of print at least in the regional recruiting markets, the difficult situation with engaging with and motivating candidates to move both employer as well as location pose challenges to recruiters, which explains why time to hire in Germany is often not measured in weeks, but in months.
Q – What do you see as the main opportunities in the market today?
A – Germany has yet to embrace social media and active sourcing as integral strategic parts of day-to-day recruiting across the board. Large companies with international recruiting needs have been exposed to the benefits of professional networking already, but often they don’t utilise these tools and services locally, ironically. The usage of RPOs for German companies is almost non-existent (with very few exceptions). But on the other hand, German subsidiaries of large IT firms have been using RPOs in Germany for a few years already. Both facts highlighted explain why there is massive potential for both employers as well as service providers to tap into this gap.
Q – Is Germany a leader or fast follower when it comes to new recruiting techniques?
A – Ironically Germany is seen broadly as a country with leading, sometimes even cutting-edge skills: the most prestigious automotive manufacturers – almost all are based in Germany, construction and engineering knowledge is often a dominant skill Germany is known for, and as the world’s second-largest export economy, Germany undoubtedly has a large international presence, both physically and via connections to customers, partners, and representatives in the countries where German goods and services are sold to.
Yet when it comes to recruiting media, technology, openness to new trends and the adoption of cutting-edge skills and expertise, German employers often are ……
Read the full interview here:
For more insights from recruitment thought leaders, make sure you attend the European Job Board Summit. It takes place in London on November 30th. Tickets can be purchased here .