Lilly’s New Careers Site Has an Intriguing Way of Searching for a Job That Matches
Autor: Todd Raphael
Eli Lilly, the multibillion dollar, Fortune 500 drug company, is out with a new corporate career site that includes an intriguing new “jobs for you.”
The Lilly redesign, like so many other new sites, leads off with large, colorful photos. It sums up its value proposition nicely: 1) we work for a purpose; 2) we have great employees; and 3) you can build a career here.
A basic keyword search is the first thing you see below the photos, just “below the fold” on my browser.
It’s the “jobs for you” on the right that piqued my interest the most. You sign in through LinkedIn, and it matches you to Lilly jobs based on the experience, location, and skills found on your LinkedIn profile.
Those skills originate from the endorsements people give you on LinkedIn. If people have endorsed you a lot for something, it’s one of your skills.
This is the first time I’ve seen a major corporate career site make heavy use of the skills stemming from LinkedIn endorsements in a job-matching mechanism.

I ran it by Jeff Dickey-Chasins — the “job board doctor,” he calls himself — and he said that he, too, hasn’t seen this before on a major company’s page, only on a job board.
TMP, maker of the software TalentBrew, built the matching module, using a third-party AI technology, which actually does the matching. In laymen’s terms, TalentBrew sends something to LinkedIn, and then the data goes to the third party, which sends the percentage match back to TalentBrew. It can be weighted so that location, skills, and job title can take on more or less importance.
Candidates, as you’ll see if you try it, can also play around with the weighting and thus the percentage match; change your location, for example, and your percentages will come out differently.